When to See a Cardiologist, Heart Disease Symptoms


The heart, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the body's hardest-working organs. It continuously beats at a rate of over one hundred thousand per day. The health of this vital organ must be prioritized. Common signs of heart disease include:

Shortness of breath - Patients suffering from heart disease frequently report experiencing difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. When you exert yourself physically and find it difficult to breathe, it could be an indication of a problem with the heart valves, or it could be the result of inflammation and a weakening of the heart muscle.

Chest pain - Chest pain is a common symptom of a heart attack or coronary artery disease. The type and duration of chest pain indicate the presence of underlying heart disease. Pain can be temporary, constant, stabbing, or sharp. It can be remains from a few seconds to several hours.

Swelling in feet - Swelling in the feet and ankles occurs in people with congestive heart failure due to a decrease in the heart's blood pumping capacity. As a result, the kidneys respond by retaining more fluid in the body. The fluid begins to build up in the feet and other parts of the body.

Cold sweat - A person who is at risk of having a heart attack may begin sweating profusely without any obvious physical exertion. Heart failure causes overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, which causes sweating.

Tiredness or fatigue - The symptoms of heart disease differ between men and women. Unexplained tiredness and fatigue are common symptoms of heart failure/heart attack in women. Fatigue is also common in older people with diabetes who have heart disease.

Irregular pulse rate/palpitations - When people go to see a cardiologist, one of the most common complaints they have is of having a rapid pulse rate or a strong heartbeat. When other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, weakness, and sweating, are present along with palpitations, this could point to a problem with the heart.

Pain in the hand - Pain in the shoulder, which may be intermittent or constant, and which may radiate to the entire left arm and even the back, may be experienced by some people.

Loss of consciousness - Sudden unconsciousness is an emergency that requires immediate medical attention.

Being proactive about your heart health can help you detect problems early, giving you a better chance of a positive outcome. So, when should you consult a cardiologist?

When you are experiencing chest discomfort

There are Many potential causes such as heartburn, any occurrence of discomfort in the chest should be investigated by a physician to completely rule out heart-related problems.

When you are a smoker

You are more likely to develop heart disease if you smoke now or have in the past. Smoking causes the lining of the arteries to become damaged, which promotes the formation of plaque and potentially harmful blockages.

When you have high blood pressure

Blood pressure serves as a measure of how hard blood is pushing against artery walls. When this pressure is too high for a long time, the arteries may be harmed or narrowed.

When you experience shortness of breath

You can get winded easily if you're a little out of shape, but don't dismiss it out of hand. After light exercises, such as climbing the front steps or going out to the car, you suddenly find yourself gasping for air, it may be a heart-related issue.

When you feel the changes in your heart rhythm

Palpitations are when your heartbeat feels abnormal—too fast or uneven. It's a similar sensation to getting too much caffeine or feeling anxious. However, if you're simply sitting down to read a book and your heart begins to race, it may indicate that you are at risk for developing heart disease.

When you experience extreme fatigue

There are Enormous factors Which is contribute to fatigue. However, chronic, unexplained fatigue may indicate that your heart is having trouble pumping blood or that another issue—such as a blockage or a valve problem—is present.

When you have extreme pain when you walk

Don't just shrug it off if your hip and leg muscles cramp while you're climbing, walking, or otherwise moving around but feel better after you stop and rest. It's possible that the pain is the result of getting older or not getting enough exercise, but it could also be an indication of peripheral arterial disease, also known as PAD.

When you have a history of Preeclampsia

According to the Preeclampsia Foundation, heart disease research has shown that women with a history of preeclampsia—high blood pressure during pregnancy or the postpartum period—have a twofold risk of developing heart disease. It is best to have your heart checked if you had preeclampsia during any of your pregnancies.

When you're depressed

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 5% of adults worldwide suffer from depression. Most likely, depression is not a sign of heart issues. However, there is a connection between physical and mental health.

When you are a diabetic

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease have a very strong correlation. When blood sugar is not properly controlled, it affects how blood vessels function. This raises the likelihood of coronary artery disease. If you have diabetes, cardiologists can collaborate with your doctor to determine the best prevention or treatment options to reduce your risk.

If you are at risk for heart disease, a routine check-up and a cardiologist consultation can help you to be on top of your heart health. World Heart Day Special Offer at Prashanth Hospitals - Get a Comprehensive Heart Health Check at just Rs. 499! To know more, visit Prashanth Hospitals